What’s a Hack-B-Q? Think free B-B-Q with the added bonus of getting to share knowledge with TXRX Members who have expertise in exciting DIY technology projects. And that‚Äôs just for starters: There are tons of exciting projects in progress and members with expertise in chemistry, electrical engineering, biology, physics, programming, mechanical engineering, and many others, all of whom are interested in sharing that knowledge for the benefit of the community.
Basic Woodworking Workshop @ HeatSync Labs in Arizona
Wood is a gift of nature and a product of lumberjacks. It’s used for all sorts of stuff, probably even the construction of the building you’re reading this in! There’s just no escaping wood, so why not embrace and harness it for making things? HeatSync Labs will be hosting a workshop on the basics of woodworking. This class will teach you how to design, plan, measure, cut, and join wood properly as well as how to use the tools safely and correctly. You’ll go home knowing how to use power saws, drill presses, hand drills, and combination squares and build a simple, snazzy frame of your own! Seating is limited, so order now.
MakePhilly Hosts Peter Bressler
We are tremendously thrilled to be welcoming the award winning designer, Peter Bressler of Bresslergroup as our guest speaker. He will be giving a talk entitled “Product Design in Entrepreneurial Ventures” in which he will explore the following questions: What is the value of design to an entrepreneur? How should an entrepreneur use design? Can an entrepreneur afford design? In the process he will share experiences and case studies from his over 30 years of design experience spanning the consumer, medical, and industrial spaces.
Peter’s expertise includes user research, human factors application, manufacturing processes and innovative criteria conflict resolution. Peter has authored or co-authored over 60 design and utility patents and has received over 40 national design awards. He is a Past President of the Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA).
Date: Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011
Time: 7PM sharp!
Location: University of the Arts, 211 S. Broad Street, Terra Hall, 5th Floor
ID: Bring your ID with you to sign in at the front desk
Cost: Free
The Hack Factory Roundabout Dog Challenge
Tonight is the deadline for the Roundabout Dog Challenge at the Hack Factory! Got a dog and a roundabout? Combine them for eternal fame!
Are you a hackerspace member and have news? Send it to johnb@makezine.com or tweet a nerd at @johnbaichtal.