Brooklyn-based hacker group NYCResistor is currently celebrating its status of one year oldness – Happy day to you NYCR! Thanks for all the sweet projects you churn out. Keeping a group like that running can be a unique challenge, especially in the big, busy (and expensive) city –
A year ago, NYCResistor was conceived by a few folks around a table in the C4 hacker space in Cologne Germany. We needed a hacker space in NYC and we started building the infrastructure for our space by getting the website started, getting a jabber server up, and putting together email lists. A few months later we had 9 people committed to the idea and we incorporated so we could have a collective checking account for paying bills. A few months after that, we moved into our space in Brooklyn.
This hacker space thing is growing. It seems like every day new hacker spaces are popping up on the hackerspaces.org site.
Aah and what’s a birthday without presents? The group just welcomed a dashing new Epilog laser cutter into the fold – score! (Huh … come to think of it, my birthday’s comin’ up pretty soon as well.) – NYCResistor 1.0