Handmade Music Night * Thursday, Aug 23* 8PM @ ETSY & MAKE


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On Thursday, August 23 at 8PM, Etsy Labs is teaming up with Make Magazine and Create Digital Music http://createdigitalmusic.com/ for another Handmade Music Night. Come check out the projects on display, meet other like-minded people, and listen to some handmade music!

At the last Handmade Music Night, there were instruments made from an iron, a Gameboy, wooden blocks, an amp made from a Ritz cracker box, and a weird goo/gel that made sounds when you squeezed it.

If you wanna come, please rsvp@etsy.com. If you wanna bring something, tell us about it in your rsvp email…

Thursday, August 23. 8PM. Etsy Labs. 325 Gold St. 6th Floor. Brooklyn. See you!

Handmade Music Night * Thursday, Aug 23* 8PM @ ETSY & MAKE – Link.

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