Here’s an ENTIRE skeleton carved from pumpkins, outstanding work and here’s how to make your own! – Link.
DIY HALLOWEEN 2007 from the editors of MAKE and CRAFT brings you 40-plus DIY projects for the holiday that’s made for makers. From the craftiest costumes to amazing animated props and the latest in computer-controlled haunted house effects, this special issue will include: headless Marie Antoinette costume, mechanical ghosts and ghouls, LED and laser jack-o’-lanterns, creature makeup and blood-spurting wounds, DIY coffins and tombstones, T. Rex rooftopper, flaming LED skulls, kid-tested haunted house tricks, and a special “Ghoulbox” section with Halloween kits, tools, and gadgets. Plus demonic decorations, hideous party snacks, and profiles of extraordinary makers and their creepy crafts – Link.