Lov.Li Fair in Portland – Looking for Vendors


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Diane from CraftyPod writes:

If you’re in the Northwest, I’m co-organizing a summer art/craft fair with Lov.li, and we still have a few openings for vendors.

The date is Sunday, June 3rd. The Fair’s from 11-4, and from 10-11, we’re planning some special things for our vendors. There is no table fee, and we’re taking no commissions. And the venue is great! We’re also talking live deejay, make-and-take tables, and on-site PayPal transactions.

You can learn more about the fair, and find contact information, here. There are two requirements: you must be a vendor selling your work on Lov.li, and you must be over 21.

For more information on how to become a vendor, visit the Lov.li site here. [ via ] – Link.

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