Tom writes in with a really nice review about our Halloween issue! –
I usually don’t make a point to write a company about a product – which in this case is the Halloween Edition of MakeZine – but had to make an exception.
I’m a home haunter and while I have seen darn near everything in your magazine previously online – I really enjoyed seeing someone realize what a hobby this is for some folks. Most magazines that even touch on the issue don’t get beyond styrofoam spiders. You guys address it on a serious hobbyist level and make it a lot of fun to boot.
So really – consider yourselves pioneers and give a pat on the back to your senior editor (that and a buck will get you a beer on dollar longneck night).
We, incidentally , are in year 2 of our “Haunt with no Name” and word is already spreading. My 11 year old son and I start in August and just last night were “dremeling” this years new tombstones – each taking on the name of a kid on the block. “A.P. – Choked on A PEA”, “Julia – Will Fool Ya Nevermore”, “Emma – Quite a Dilemma”, and so forth.
We kicked it into high gear this year and will not only have a witch that stirs a cauldron – but also speaks an incantation. All hacked from this and that. My son has a blast and in his eyes has the coolest dad on the block.
Mission accomplished.
Thanks gang.
Get MAKE Halloween now! – Link.