Back for the third year in a row, this science-fair style event @ Etch has featured robot dogs, marshmallow blowgun fights, magic phones, illuminated clothing, Roomba battles, and many more inventive ideas. Come to the 2007 Make Fest to meet the makers, get your hands on the projects featured in the pages of MAKE and CRAFT, and set your do-it-yourself, hacker impulses loose..
Dale writes –
Next Wednesday, March 28 at O’Reilly’s Etech Conference in San Diego, we’ll be hosting another Make Night. We already have a good group of makers coming to exhibit but we have room for a few more. If you’d like to exhibit what you make or do a demo of cool project, please contact Dale Dougherty (dale@oreilly.com) for details. This event, which is open to the public, will be held at the Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego from 7:30-9:30pm. Make’s editors will be there so come on by.
O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference 2007 • March 26-29, 2007 • San Diego, California – Link.