Details for this weekend’s Make:SF theBayMakers meeting!
Make:SF – the Bay Makers June Meeting Downtown SF
Sunday, June 22, 2008 2:00 PMWhere
Instructables HQ
489 Clementina St 3rd Fl
San Francisco CA 94107
DescriptionAt this month’s meeting we will be featuring projects by local makers, and that means YOU!
Do you have a project you’d like to show, are you prepping something for Maker Faire in Austin (Or Burning Man) and need collaborators? Or perhaps starting off on a new effort and need some idea about where to get that right bit of obtanium? Share your thoughts with other local makers. We will have a video projector, and I’ll bring a video camera so that we can zoom in on the details.
Those who present their work/ideas will receive a choice of Make T-Shirt or one of the Make books.
We have the full support of Make Magazine, we still have some back issues to give away.
Hope to see you there! Be sure to check out MakeSF.org for more details and a recaps of previous meetings and all local things of interests to Makers…
-The Make:SF Team