Mosaic Table Is Done!


As I wrote about on Mother’s Day, my mom and I took a mosaic workshop together the day after Christmas. Biting off more than we could chew, we chose to do a 3-foot-diameter tabletop to fit onto a metal table stand I’d found at the dump. During the workshop we barely got the tiles laid out in an acceptable pattern. Then my mom went back to her house in Tucson and I slowly went by the studio every few weeks to spend a bit more time gluing down the pieces.
About a month ago, maybe even 6 weeks, I finally glued down the last piece of tile and moved the tabletop to my house. Here it sat covered up by a shower curtain while the springtime weather took its time deciding when the threat of rain would stop. We needed a dry day for grouting and a couple more days for the grout to completely dry. Finally, last weekend the pieces all fit together (mosaic pun!), and my teacher Teresa Cuseo (lucky for me, she’s also my friend and my neighbor) came over and we grouted the table. Finie!

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So more than 5 months later I’ve completed my first major mosaic piece. I’m already thinking of designs for a couple of ceramic sewer pipes I’ve wanted to mosaic ever since I found them about 9 years ago. I’m a slow learner and slow at the execution, but I’m still driven to create. That’s the real beauty of crafting, isn’t it?

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Sometimes helpful editor and digital media director at MAKE and CRAFT.

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