MAKE will be @ Bent Festival NYC April 24-26. In addition to the requisite noise-blasting and glitch-casting, we’ll be bringing some select items from the Maker store – so stop by, check out some kits and say “HI” (please do speak loudly, so we can hear you over the collective bend-frenzy!)
New York, NY (April 7, 2008) – The Tank is pleased to announce The Fifth Annual Bent Festival of hardware hacking, DIY electronics, and circuit bending. The term circuit bending refers to the inspired short-circuiting of battery-powered children’s toys to create new musical instruments, and over the last few decades a worldwide subculture has sprung up around this amazing art form. The Bent Festival began as a celebration of circuit bending, but has quickly grown to embrace not only circuit benders but also artists who create instruments and artwork from scratch using homemade circuitry. Artists from around the globe perform music with their homemade or circuit bent instruments each night of the festival, teach workshops to adults and children alike, and create amazing, interactive art installations. The festival brings together artists of all ages and showcases the state of the art of DIY ele ctronics and circuit bending culture.
DCTV – 87 Lafayette Street, New York, NY 10013