Shawn Thorsson of Petaluma, CA, built this awe-inspiring Predator costume out of upholstery foam, liquid latex, and — wait for it — duct tape. He hand-sculpted most of the features, used a LED belt buckle for the beast’s wearable computer, and formed its wrist blades out of aluminum. Excellent!
It added at least six inches to my height and managed to impress just about everyone that saw it. The only drawback was that with all of the foam and rubber built into it, it was about as cozy as a two inch thick wetsuit. Suffice it to say that I was a bit warm. The shoes were a bit uncomfortable, so I couldn’t walk for very long distances.
Wanna build one for Halloween? You might want to have started a month ago, it took Shawn over 2 months to create the costume. Also check out Shawn’s other projects, he does some cool work!
(Notice Boba Fett’s jet pack on the wall behind Shawn? I bet any Predator would love to rock that. And what’s with the scary dog?)