Mediamatic has a RFID workshop running from 14-16th November in Amsterdam. –
“RFID & The Internet of Things is a workshop for a maximum of 16 designers and artists who want to learn more about RFID and its possible (cultural) effects and uses. In this workshop you’ll make your own prototype where the virtual and the real world come together by using rfid tools. You can try out the rfid technology and develop first layouts of possible applications, alternative uses and hacks. During the workshop participants can mould their ideas into working prototypes, allowing them to partake in the whole process; from ‘idea’ to (potential) ‘product’. Workshop projects may range from new ways to personalise objects, to funny new locative applications or world-wide new sustainability scenario’s. Mediamatics’ RFID powered Symbolic Table as well as the Nokia 3220 RFID phone will be amongst the available tools for participants to use, test and play their ideas on.” – [via] – Link.
Related RFID on the MAKE:
- DEFCON RFID World record attempt… – Link.
- Interview with RFID implanter – Link.
- Fun with RFID aka Researchers see privacy pitfalls in … – Link.
- HOW TO – Homemade RFID reader – Link.
- RFID door – Link.
- DIY RFID-Zapper… – Link.
- RFID enabled flame shooting trampoline – Link.
- MAKE VIDEO PODCAST – Getting “Chipped” – Interviews … – Link.
- Build Your Own RFID Reader – Link.
- Build a RFID reader/capturer/cloner – Link.
- RFID Keyboard, safe – RFIDToys… – Link.
- Logging into Windows XP using RFID – Link.
From the pages of MAKE:
- RFID for Makers – RFID for Makers. Build this kit to read radio frequency ID tags. Subscribers–read this article now in your digital edition!