Connor combined the best of wolves and robots for this MAKE & CRAFT contest entry… Truffulatuft writes – “There are 2 pics of my son’s Robot Wolf halloween costume for your contest. He is eight years old. It was his design, based on this picture we found on the web http://triggur.org/costume/mech/. We made the costume together. The RobotWolf costume out of recycled cardboard, paper mache, a bucket, a dryer vent, old boots, silver paint and a lot of tape and hot glue.” – Link.
- Costume contest: Dressing up? Making your own costume? As long as you “make” something you can enter. Any costume with homemade elements on it, in it, or used is OK. Take a photo of your costume(s) then upload your photos to the MAKE or CRAFT Flickr photo pool and tag them “MAKECRAFTHALLOWEEN” Or you can email them to us, just be aware that we’re going to upload them to the MAKE and CRAFT Flickr photo pool. We’ll continue to post fun costumes and how-tos all this month as well – Link.