Sketching in hardware

Sketching in hardware

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Mike writes – “Sketching in Hardware ended yesterday, and it was awesome. We had folks from all over the DIY electronics spectrum talking bout creating tools for easy development of DIY electronics: David Mellis, of Arduino, Bjoern Hartmann and Scott Klemmer of Stanford, Nathan Seidle of Spark Fun, Tom Igoe of NYU, David Zicarelli, author of MaxMSP, and 20 other amazing people. We held it in Greenfield Village, and spent a long time thinking, talking about, and looking at the history of innovation as practiced by Edison, the Wright brothers, and Buckminster Fuller.

We finished with a frantic makeathon where groups of folks (who had never worked together) were given two hours to invent new technologies. One group hacked a USB thumb drive, another group reinvented the telegraph using Flash and Teleo, another group made a smart train set of historical objects, where each piece in the set could call up its original location on Google Earth when put into the train set, another group made an RFID-enabled street lamp (as portrayed in the photos by Scott Minneman, of Onomy labs), and another group used our beloved Roomba to create a museum rover, using a controller made of foam rubber and bend sensors.”Link.

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