Spring Art Sale in Atlanta, GA this Sunday March 30


Manuels Spring Art
Christy of Indie Craft Experience writes:
Just wanted to let you know about a great art and craft show this Sunday in Atlanta. ICE’s organizers and several regular vendors will be participating in the Manuel’s Tavern Art Sale, March 30 from noon to 4 p.m. The ING Georgia Marathon route travels right by Manuel’s (on North Ave and Freedom Parkway) so go cheer on some runners and then come have a beer and peruse the goods!
Manuel’s Tavern
602 N. Highland Ave
Atlanta, GA 30307
Speaking of Indie Craft Experience there’s still time to apply! ICE is the largest indie craft market in the Southeast and draws large crowds because of its excellent vendors! The deadline is April 18th. You can fill out the application online.

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