The IT Crowd on DVD in the States

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The IT Crowd on DVD in the States

In early April of this year, a fairly significant event happened for my family. Geeky as it may sound, my husband, sons, and I were ecstatic to learn that the first season of The IT Crowd was available on DVD in a format that we could use here in the United States. My husband Bruce posted the news to GeekDad, and we all gathered round ye old plasma TV to enjoy the laughs. But it was over all too quickly. Were we doomed to Land of the Lost reruns on Hulu?

Thankfully, we’re now looking forward to the end of this month, when The IT Crowd, The Complete Season 2 comes out on US format DVD on June 30th. Sure, you can watch it online or on the IFC channel, but we’ll be happy to have the whole series on DVD, both for the funny 1337 extras and the subtitles, which my son uses (he wears hearing aids).

Word on the internets is that the 4th season of The IT Crowd will begin in July in the UK, and a Season 3 DVD may hit the States this fall. Bring on the IT Brits!

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