There are lots of fun events going on this weekend at various hackerspaces. Here are three; leave a comments if your space is holding an event this weekend.
Hack Factory clothesline race
The Twin Cities’ hackerspace, the Hack Factory, is holding its latest clothesline race this Saturday from 1-6pm. Prizes include fabulous loot from MAKE, an autographed Bill Gurstelle book, a month’s free membership, and a whole lot more. If you have a racer you’re welcome to participate even if you’re not a member (there’s a rumor at least one racer from the Quad Cities CoLab is gonna try to make it up) with an entry fee of $10 payable at the door. Here’s the Eventbrite info if you’re interested.
Dallas Makespace open house
If you’re in the Dallas area and want to check out the city’s new hackerspace, they’re holding an open house this Saturday from noon to midnight. It sounds like they have lots of cool things going on, including a Jacob’s ladder, samples from an EggBot, a MakerBot, and a laser cutter, aibos, autonomous music robots, and more.
Today we have nearly 40 members, a 1680 square foot physical space, a growing collection of tools including a laser CNC and 3D printer. We’ve completed a ton of cool projects ranging from high voltage machines to winning first place in a fasion show. We even pulled off a huge interactive art installation for TEDxSMU. But there are still people in Dallas who haven’t heard of us yet so, as we come to the end of our first year, we’ve decided to hold an open house and invite anyone who’s interested to come out to our space, meet us, and see some of our projects. The open house will held from noon until midnight on Saturday, November 20th.
LVL1 benefit concert
As reported by my colleague Matt Metts, Louisville, KY, hackerspace LVL1 is holding a benefit concert to help them fund their trans-atlantic balloon project.
You are invited to a special The Apples in Stereo benefit concert that’s happening at LVL1 (814 E. Broadway, Louisville, KY 40204) this Saturday at 11/20 at 7pm (the party continues until midnight). The concert benefits the White Star Balloon project, of which I’m a part of, whose mission is to send a small, unmanned, robotic balloon to Europe this winter thereby setting a new record!!
What else is going on, leave a comment!