Join us TODAY at 3:30pm PT/6:30pm ET for our second Weekend Projects Hangout On Air. We’ll be talking with MAKE Technical Editor Sean Michael Ragan about the Pedal Power Phone Charger, a simple AC-to-DC generator circuit for charging your cell phone (or any other gadget that sips a steady stream of 5VDC) while on the go using your bicycle. We’ll talk about the inspiration behind the project and demonstrate how energy generated from a dynamo can charge your USB devices.
Every Friday from Oct. 11 – Dec. 20 (except Nov. 29) we’ll be hanging out with makers of Weekend Projects, our beginner-friendly series of electronics builds powered by RadioShack. Join our host and 2012’s Maker Camp Director Nick Raymond, a guest MAKE Editor, and specially invited makers for these fun and informal hangouts.
Bounce back to this blog post at the scheduled hangout time to watch LIVE or join our event on Google+ to ask Sean any questions.