Our friends at Youth Radio sent us this fun video and sound piece they did. They walked around, sampling the sounds of the Faire, and then they laid down a scratch beat. It’s so cool to see people “processing” the Faire in so many unique and creative ways. Youth Radio writes:
At a time of so much hype over digital creations — ahem, Facebook IPO — the maker movement has built momentum around the bold and fun idea that there are still people inventing real, physical things. Things made of metal and wood, cogs and gears. And things that are made out of the vibrating air molecules that bump into each other to create sound.
From our students, comes a crowd-sampled remix of this weekend’s Maker Faire soundscape. Throughout the day, youth producers attending the fair as makers recorded ambient sounds from the San Mateo, Calif. fairground, then edited them on the spot into electronic music and beats.
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