Justin asked me to help get the word out about WyoLum’s 2011 innovation grant to promote open-source hardware, here ya go!
WyoLum’s [http://www.wyolum.com] mission is to “Promote Open Source Hardware”. To that end, we are pleased to announce two $1000 (USD) grants to be awarded to the most qualified applicants. Entries will be evaluated on:
- Innovation
- Originality
- Technical feasibility
- Commercial viability
- Planned use of funds
- Timeline (Projects with goals that can be achieved within six months after the grant is awarded will score more favorably.)
Qualifying projects will be 100% open source (hardware and software) from development through to production. WyoLum team members will be available for advice and assistance throughout your project. If you have a killer idea, but have never fabricated a PCB, programmed a micro-controller or designed an enclosure, don’t let that stop you from submitting your idea. If we can’t immediately assist you, we will learn it together.
Submit completed applications to grants@wyolum.com by December 3, 2011. Applications will be excepted in a combination of video (encouraged), html, .odt, .doc, .docx, blogpost. We will make all reasonable efforts to receive and evaluate your application.
About us [http://wyolum.com/bio.php]
WyoLum is a team of volunteers, learners and doers, who pool our resources and skills to make cool things. Our most successful project to date is ClockTHREE, a word clock that tells time in written language, derived from Doug Jackson’s Word Clock and Evil Mad Science’s Peggy 2. We would like to support the community that has supported us. Through our successful projects we have accumulated some funds that we would like to reinvest in the community by supporting innovative ideas in open source hardware development.
Good luck makers!