30 Great Projects Shared by our Maker Campers

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After 30 days of Maker Camp over the past six weeks, we’ve come to the finale. However, we will carry the things we’ve learned with us for a long time to come, and the best part is that while we shared a lot of cool things with our campers, they shared some amazing stuff with us as well. Here are 30 amazing projects by the campers who have been a part of Maker Camp over this wonderful summer. Some of these are their version of Maker Camp project, and some are their own creations. All of them are fantastic. And remember, the making doesn’t have to end! Our Maker Camp G+ Community site will carry on, and everyone is welcome to keep sharing your projects there. If you need new ideas, we have thousands of projects published online, hundreds of kits and components for sale, and every MAKE Magazine has 30 or more new projects to try out.

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Ken is the Grand Nagus of GeekDad.com. He's a husband and father from the SF Bay Area, and has written three books filled with projects for geeky parents and kids to share.

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