Calling all artists! Looking for a new medium to explore with? If you haven’t heard, the 3Doodler selling for $99, has been on the market for at least the last 18 months. Funded by Kickstarter, this 3D printing pen has received the bad and the good feedback from users. An artist from Massachusetts, Justin Mattarocchia, has proven this oversized glue gun to be a tool used for so much more. Justin took on the artistic challenge of creating a life size humanoid skeleton made primarily by the 3Doodler. Introducing his humanoid creation, “Voight“, Justin raved about his use of the 3Doodler.
“I love the freedom the 3Doodler offers me in creative design…It’s an excellent tool, and when used in conjunction with other media, and even electronics, you can make your work really come to life.”

Wait, how exactly did Justin create such a being? Using the 3Doodler, cardboard, LED inserts and a knowledge of simple primary shapes, Mattarocchia just winged it. Is his piece even anatomically correct? Justin claims he just earned his education via Google Images to gain knowledge of skeletal structures. Take that, Anatomy and Physiology students!
“I started by drawing out on some foam core project board a rough face shape, laying out where the eyes, nose, and mouth would be. Then I traced over it with the 3Doodler and built off of that original outline. Getting curved features can be tricky mid air, especially if you don’t have a form to work on, so I decided to think in polygons. I would form triangular shapes off the initial trace, and continued to build off them until a face feature was formed. Once the initial polygonal structure was in place, I could then either build off that, or fill it in, by running back and forth between the lines of the polygon.”
Is this all he has done with 3Doodler? No! Ever think about directing Hamlet with a twist? Now, Justin creates his own talking skulls for $300 a piece!

Mattarocchia has proven that the 3Doodler isn’t just for kids but can be used as a new artistic medium where the sky is the limit! Time to open your mind on what the 3Doodler can offer. Time to plan on blowing your friends away with your next art piece!
[via 3dprint]