Coming up on August 27–28, is an event you surely won’t want to miss. SiliCon with Adam Savage. Listen to Adam explain why he thinks you’ll enjoy it.
Yes Adam, we miss the Maker Faire Bay Area too, and who knows, maybe some day we’ll return! In the mean time, this is a great way to meet other folks and share your maker stories.
Here’s a glimpse at a few celebrities you can see at the event.
While celebrities are cool and all (and wow, that’s a pretty good selection), I’m interested in the absolute library of awesome makers that will be at the event sharing their work and showing off.
You’ll recognize many of these folks from the pages of Make: magazine. It looks like one big family reunion! This is actually only a fraction of what is going on at the event. As Adam mentioned in the video, there will be a friggin’ 5,000 foot makerspace in the center of it all!
Get your tickets now, because you don’t want to miss this.
[feature image: Norman Chan]