Update: JonM just posted up his wrapup! – Link
We had 12 people on the ground looking for our high altitude balloon and found a friend to take us up in a Cessna 182 to scan over 100 square miles of farmland.
Here’s a video of the launch! – mov Link
Despite herculean efforts, our balloon is still missing. If you have a plane in the Northwest and are interested in going on the Ultimate Easter Egg Hunt, here’s a map for you to reference. If you can find it, I will personally send you a print from the photos taken by it and presents!
With some help from folks off location in the UK and Seattle, Xander has set up a map with continued search locations. The red target is the centered average of all the predictions. This would be a good place to start an aerial search for a pink foam payload and bright orange parachute.
The box above shows the area we searched from an airplane. Easter may be over, but the Hunt is on!
KML Data with GPS Locations – Link