Brooklyn, NY’s Alpha One Labs hackerspace is throwing a grand opening party (May 18th at 7pm) and fundraiser to buy a sign for their storefront as well as to bank funds in order to keep 3 months’ rent in the kitty.
Your contribution will allow us to thrive without the need of additional funding. We’ve got a bunch of awesome rewards to choose from including dedicated desk space, a laser cutting class, a build your own 3D printer class, and best of all, admission to the Party!
In addition to the 3 months of expenses, funding will go towards making the party awesome and a professional new sign for the storefront (estimated $5,000).
We’re also doing a membership drive to get the place active with makers. We’re setting an ambitious goal of 40 additional members in this membership drive. We’re going to set up a wall of members and all new members will get their name engraved on a placard and be part of our new membership base.
If you’re interested in helping them out, check out their A1L’s Indiegogo campaign.