American Inventor – Reality TV meets Makers

AminLast month we covered ABC’s new show American Inventor as they held auditions around the USA. American Inventor will be a primetime reality show from Simon Cowell and the producers of American Idol debuting in 2006. You have one last chance to try out, December 14th in Atlanta, GA. If you’re curious about the auditions some Makers out there brought their inventions, ideas and prototypes and sent us word on how it went…Spacecadet writes “I also auditioned at Chicago and had an absolutely marvelous time. I didn’t even care if I had an audition or not,the opportunity to be with creative and energetic people was worth the trip itself. The panel (which included the Producer) were very cordial and respectful to all inventors I had talked to before and after the audition. I picked up on some valuable information while standing in line, from other experienced inventors who had successfully marketed and sold their products through Walmart and other leading retailers as well as listened to the don’ts of some failed ventures. I am not sure if I’m a contendor for the show, but as far as reality tv goes, a show with real people chasing their dreams on real tv with an idea that will be brought from idea to proof of concept without the “sex, drugs and rock in roll” flavor, should find this show refreshing.”

KarenSue33 writes “I auditioned in Chicago on 4 Dec05. If I were to guess, there were probably about 500 people that showed up. The agreements we have signed, don’t appear to be out of line. This is an ‘entertainment venture’ by these producers. They don’t CARE about our legal rights. I suggest that anyone who goes, should get at least a patent application submitted, to hold a patent-pending. It is pending the date they mark it as recieved, which is the post mark on your envelope. Until further notice from the patent office, It is YOUR idea. You will have a VERY good argument when it’s time to go to court. I’m glad for the opportunity to at least be seen. There is NO ONE out there in the big world that will give you a FAIR ear, when it comes to making millions of ‘greenies’. They have their scouts out there talking to people every day, bringing all those ideas to the powers that be, and ‘dang it if they didn’t make that too.’ Lets all have fun with this. I expect if I have the opportunity to be humiliated on INTER/national television, all those people I never write or have lost track of,will know I’m fine and well. (teehee).

See our previous coverage here.

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