April 2nd is Arduino Day, and fast approaching. Arduino.cc is throwing an official event at the Jacobs Institute on the Campus of the University Of California, and they are going to need some help.
They are going to have workshops, talks from the founders, and all kinds of displays of Arduino based art and technology.
For the event they need volunteers to run information tables, help move things, help put on the workshops, and other miscellaneous tasks. Though it is unpaid, Arduino.cc has some presents to give out as a token of their appreciation.
If this is your first time volunteering for something for Arduino.cc you need to fill out this form, but if you’ve volunteered before, just email arduinovolunteer@gmail.com
While the majority of their needs are volunteers, they do have 2 positions that will be paid workers. They’re looking for a video crew and photographer. If you’re interested in those positions, fill out this form.