Brain machine shades

Brain machine shades

Brain Machine Okini2
Brain Machine Okini
From the MAKE Flickr photo pool

Member Okini393939 built this stylin’ brain machine from what appears to be an old pair of sunglasses and enhanced the lenses with a mosaic-spiral look. He even thought to include basic instructions on the interior! “Close eyes, 14 minutes” – something one may grow weary of repeating to the uninitiated. – Brain machine on Flickr

The ‘brain machine’ project simulates a meditation session via sound and flashing light synched up to the frequency of a relaxing brainwave program. It’s a relatively quick and easy build using a MiniPOV kit – and it provides an experience similar to ‘mind’ machines costing hundreds of dollars. (It seems everyone who tries mine wants one of their own!)

In the Maker store:
MiniPOV kit – The foundation of the brain machine project, just reprogram the chip, add a couple 1k resistors and 1µf caps, and wire to a pair of safety (or sun)glasses – See full instructions

513554448 60C89Eaac8
Hack Your Brain – Make: PDFcast

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