We receive so many pitches for crowdfunding projects. They pour into our inbox daily. Since crowdfunding is a bit of a gamble, it is always kind of hard to determine just how to write about these projects, considering that many of them may not ever deliver. Cool Crowdfunding is our way of sharing some of the ones that catch our eye.
Remember, some of the crowdfunding projects from our previous Cool Crowdfunding collections may still be active! Go back and check them out to see if there’s anything you shouldn’t miss.
Open Press Project
This one is one of our personal favorites! We featured it in an issue of Make Magazine, where we show how you can download the free files and make one of your own. Of course, not every has a 3D printer or wants a 3D printed one, so the folks who designed it have launched a kickstarter to send out nicely made kits!
Find it on Kickstarter
Spectra, Open Source Biomedical Imaging
Safe and easy to use, this system allows you to produce imaging of all kinds of things you previously couldn’t do at home..
Find it on CrowdSupply
Wings of Glory – The Mechanical Pegasus
Adrian Landon is a sculptor who makes beautiful metal horses. We’ve seen them in person at Maker Faire with his mechanical galloping horse sculpture

Now he’s trying to raise funds to make an even more impressive pegasus to take to burning man.
Find it on Kickstarter
The Most Beautiful Construction Set In The World
The title for this one is a bit of a mouthful, but we can’t really argue with the logic. These models sure are beautiful.
Find it on Kickstarter