CRAFT Subscriber #1 – Jessica Love

Craft Jess1

Did you ever wonder who was the first subscriber to CRAFT magazine? Sure, “whatever”, you say, someone just sent in a postcard, nothing special right? Well this one is special. It involves British accents, a love story, a parcel to be delivered…no, we’re not talking about James Bond. But something much sweeter. This is the real story of our first CRAFT subscriber, Jessica Love.

The story begins here:

We had just announced CRAFT magazine and were working on the first issue when we got this email from a reader in the UK.


From: Nick Smith

Date: May 15, 2006 3:21:28 PM PDT

Subject: Craft Magazine

Hi ;)

I read with great interest about your craft magazine coming out this fall.

I’d love to be able to give a subscription to my girlfriend for her birthday in June (especially as she’d go nuts for it and probably propose on the spot to me), is there any chance I can place a subscription for it then? If you have any suggestions on how I could manage something like this I’d be greatly indebted to you.

All the best,

Nick (UK all-round-maker-style-chap)


We were so touched by the email that even though we weren’t ready yet to take subscriptions, we contacted him and decided that we’d do something special for this lucky lady’s upcoming birthday. There was no magazine to speak of yet in May, so I decided to make a little card and pin cushion for Jess so that she’d at least have something tangible to have on her birthday. I mailed the card and pincushion off to London and a few weeks later we got the fun pictures of Jess with the pincushion from Nick. It’s been quite a few months now so I decided to catch up with Jess to see how she felt about the whole experience and how she’s liking her issue of CRAFT.

Craft Jess2

Nat: Your boyfriend is quite clever to write us and ask for a subscription when we announced the magazine. We were so touched by his love for you. What was your reaction on being the first subscriber to the new CRAFT magazine and receiving a handmade CRAFT pincushion?

Jess: Nick and I are always trying to out do eachother when it comes to presents. We’ve surprised each other with trips to amazing places and nice meals and this year we decided to set a financial limit so we could be a bit more creative (as well as save some money – it was getting silly).

I first heard about CRAFT when I saw the picture of the crochet robots on and whenever I see something like that I always forward it to him. So it was quite a surprise that he remembered and that he’d had the idea of organising it so that I was subscriber no1, it’s the most unique and thoughtful present I’ve ever had.

Nat: Where’s your CRAFT pincushion today?

My craft pincushion is currently on our bookshelf being used as a cushion by our plush pig – – as I didn’t want to put it away in the tin with my sewing things.

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Nat: How do you like the first issue of CRAFT?

Jess: I’m still reading through my copy of CRAFT but I love the article about the skateboards and hopefully over christmas whilst I’m at my parents, drinking too much and watching rubbish television, I hope to attempt the crochet robots! I also love the silk screening tutorial. I just wish we had the space for me to do it!

Nat: What kind of crafts do you like to do?

Jess: I’m a big fan of home made cards, in fact unless I’m really desperate I can’t bring myself to buy greetings cards. I’ve started working on a series of cute monster illustrations that I hope to make into cards next year for christmas. As well as this, my nan used to crochet and knit and she’d make clothes for my stuffed toys and costumes for school plays. I always wished I’d had the time for her to teach me so I’m determined to learn how to knit in order to carry that tradition on.

Nat: What are you working on for the holidays?

Jess: I’m currently working on a felt advent calendar as I’m always disappointed with the shop bought ones and I wanted to create something different that could be brought out as a tradition each year.. it’s a long piece of felt with eyelets placed at intervals. Hanging by ribbon from each eyelet is a little felt pouch with a number and each pouch holds a different surprise (including little whiskey miniatures for nearer to christmas). Unfortunately I’m a little bit behind and it’s not ready yet but hopefully nick won’t mind playing catch up when it is finished!


  • Send a gift subscription to CRAFT – Link.
  • CRAFT gift card as downloadable PDF – Link.
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