Craft Swaps this Week

Here are some upcoming swaps from your favorite blogs/sites:
Linda at Lindamade is having a patchwork swap. Sign up by March 6. Mail a package of 30-40 fabric scraps that are at least 3×5″ large and with at least 25 different prints/styles.
Randi of I Have to Say…is hosting another Recipe Box Swap. There’s no theme this month. All you need to do is post your recipe on your blog on Thursday, March 5th, and she will provide an auto-link at the bottom of her post so that you can provide your URL.
Easter Bunny Children’s Swap from Wee Pereas is taking signups now through March 15, 2009. It’s an Easter swap for both you and the kids. Send your partner goodies for both kid and mom including a children’s book or craft item and at least three items. [ via SwapDex ]

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