Craftzine Authors RSS feeds


Got a favorite author here at CRAFT? Need to cut down on your daily blog intake, or just want more ways to organize your information? We now have RSS feeds for each author here at the CRAFT Blog:

Of course, our site’s full RSS feed is available too, if you haven’t already subscribed. There are many more ways to read CRAFT, too, including a daily email digest of all posts (sign up in the sidebar), our Twitter feed, our Facebook page, YouTube channel (MAKE and CRAFT together), our iTunes podcasts, and daily tips service.

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Becky Stern is a Content Creator at Autodesk/Instructables, and part time faculty at New York’s School of Visual Arts Products of Design grad program. Making and sharing are her two biggest passions, and she's created hundreds of free online DIY tutorials and videos, mostly about technology and its intersection with crafts. Find her @bekathwia on YouTube/Twitter/Instagram.

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