DadCraft Explores Raising Confident, Creative, Daring Kids - Make: DadCraft Explores Raising Confident, Creative, Daring Kids - Make:

DadCraft Explores Raising Confident, Creative, Daring Kids

Dude Craft, a blog dedicated to sharing a male perspective on all things crafty, has a new guest blogger who’s bringing a parenting perspective to readers. Jon Davies explains in his first post that while he knew he had the “dad” part down, he started to flounder a bit when it came to the “craft” part. As he recalls a childhood story of his father giving him his first pocket knife, he realizes that craft isn’t just about doilies and hot glue. The philosophy of crafting goes much deeper, and is something he wants to pass on to his kids.

Here is my wish as a parent: to raise kids who think through consequences for themselves, and have a healthy respect for their own limits and the laws of physics. Kids comfortable with the learning curve – the fact that they won’t be great at something right away, but who know that practice brings improvement.

As a mom, this is often my most difficult and exciting part of introducing my kids to a new craft or skill. It takes huge effort to step back and let them make mistakes – no matter how well I know that mistakes are the key to great learning. I’m looking forward to following Jon and seeing what advice, projects and inspiration he can offer to parents who want to raise kids who are confident, creative and daring.

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