The Bob Vila of MAKE, Derek “Deek” Diedricksen, is at it again! Deek (and brother Dustin) headed into the mountains of Vermont with little more than hand tools, some haggled and scrounged lumber, and some “curb culled” furniture and built themselves a sweet getaway shack. Why do I get the feeling these two are just a few whiskey shots shy of mooning motorists on the highway or tipping cows? I kid. I KID Deek and Dustin. I’m sure they’re fine upstanding citizens. Actually, I got a chance to spend some time with Deek at World Maker Faire. He’s a tremendously good-natured, awesomely talented fellow. We’re looking forward to doing more with him here on MAKE. For those of you who may have missed it, Deek did a special MAKEcation episode of Tiny Yellow House on building the Boxy Lady. The “Lady” was at Maker Faire and drew a lot of attention and interest (and requests to sleep in it overnight).