DIY R2-D2 is even better than the real thing (interview with the Maker)

DIY R2-D2 is even better than the real thing (interview with the Maker)

Make Pt0648
Star Wars: DIY R2-D2 is even better than the real thing @ Gizmodo from Maker Faire!

Chris James’ R2-D2 won four Make Magazine editors’ choice ribbons at Maker Faire and it’s easy to see why: not only it has every detail from the original—except having a little person inside—but this one is even more charming, capable of singing the Star Wars theme, and Indiana Jones sound bites. It only needs to have a built-in projector to be absolutely perfect. We asked Chris about the obvious next step: installing sensory inputs and artificial intelligence to make it truly autonomous. His take—and another video of R2 dancing with kids at Maker Fair…

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