Espresso book machine

Espresso book machine

Once I get back to NYC I’m heading straight to this giant book printer…

An ATM for books that prints and binds any title on the spot within minutes from a digital file — The first Espresso Book Machineâ„¢ (“the EBM”) was installed and demonstrated today at the New York Public Library’s Science, Industry, and Business Library (SIBL). The patented automatic book making machine will revolutionize publishing by printing and delivering physical books within minutes. The EBM is a product of On Demand Books, LLC (“ODB” –, the company founded by legendary publishing executive Jason Epstein and business partner Dane Neller, who joined SIBL’s Kristin McDonough for a private event there to speak about the EBM’s potential impact on the future of reading and publishing.

The Espresso Book Machine will be available to the public at SIBL through August, and will operate Monday- Saturday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The New York Public Library’s Science, Industry and Business Library is located at 188 Madison Avenue (at 34th Street).

First Espresso Book Machine Installed and Demonstrated at New York Public Library’s Science, Industry and Business Library – [via] Link.

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