Members of many of the 20 Makerspaces in Taipei gathered at FAN2 (for the FabLab Asia Network conference) for a week of making, workshops, talks, and community building leading up to Maker Faire Taipei.
Fablity Scooter
While attending Fab10 in Barcelona, Kuramoto Yoshisuke was inspired by the Fab Car (a collaboration between Open Source Vehicle and several fab labs) and decided to create his own “Fability Scooter” designed to be fabricated on the ShopBot (slideshow below from Izumi Aizu).
Photo by Kuramoto Yoshisuke.
Photo by Peichin Lin.
Metal Casting Using Lasercut Molds
Jason Wong of FabLab Taipei ran a unique workshop in which participants used deeply engraved, two-part lasercut wooden molds to make metal coins. Although it’s missing a few images at the moment, he’s documented his experiments with “Cerrotru”, a low melting metal pewter alloy composed of (42% Tin, 58% Bismuth) and a very low melting temperature of 281°F/138°C.
Photo by Peichin Lin.
Insanely Detailed Rice Mosaic
FabLab Saigon presented FabLab Taipei with a beautifully crafted and framed “thank you” grain picture. As far as I can tell, there was no “machine augmentation here, it was all done by hand. It must have taken untold hours to plan and arrange each particle of rice.
Taiwanese Full Color Powder Printer
The Tdot full color powder printer claims to be able to print at 1200dpi using a continuous ink supply system and composite powder material, binder and infiltrant to create full-color 3D prints. There is currently no price on the website and the printer is not yet available for sale. When I inquired at FAN2, I was told that the display models were prototypes, but the final cost would be around 10k. I assume that the power remover chamber is extra, but I did not confirm.
A Small Sampling of other FAN2 Projects
There were so many amazing things going on at FAN2, everyone was getting ready to show off their stuff at Maker Faire Taipei and as the week went on, the pace picked up!
More Make: coverage of TAIPEI MAKER WEEK (FAN2, FusionEra, Maker Faire Taipei, FabLab Asia Network)
- Taiwan’s Executive Yuan Embraces the Maker Movement at FAN2
- OpenLab Taipei: Militant Making From Junk