Filabot Reclaimer Recycles Plastics Into Filament

Tyler McNaney’s Filabot Reclaimer grinds, melts, and extrudes waste plastic into 3D printing filament.

Filabot is a desktop extruding system, capable of grinding various types of plastics, to make spools of plastic filament for 3D printers. Not only is it user friendly, but it is also environmentally friendly. The Filabot can process things such as: milk jugs, soda bottles, various other types of plastics, and bad prints, to make new filament for a future print. Filabot will bring the real power of sustainability to 3D printing, allowing for a one stop shop to make anything.

The Filabot project has been mentioned in Popular Science and they got a nudge with a Kickstarter campaign. [via Ponoko]

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My interests include writing, electronics, RPGs, scifi, hackers & hackerspaces, 3D printing, building sets & toys. @johnbaichtal

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