We’ve done the drawing for the winners of the tools that Garrett Wade so generously provided us with, namely a set of their Extra Heavy Duty Screwdrivers and one of their Push Drills.
The winners are:
Jonathan Fulton – Who gets the “tank screwdrivers”
Matt Kaake – Who wins the push drill
Congrats, fellas! Email sent. Please take some pics of projects you do with the tools and upload them to the MAKE Flickr pool. We’d love to see what you do with them.
We had over 270 responses to our drawing, and the question of what you would do with these tools. The comment thread is worth reading. It’s a fascinating portrait of the diverse MAKE readership, the many different projects you’re working on, or considering, and how you relate to your tools. There are even fond reminiscences of dad’s and granddad’s tools. All sorts of great stuff. As our editor and publisher Dale Dougherty said: “There are any number of tool makers out there who should read through these comments.” It’s definitely a decent peek at how a population of makers use and relate to their tools.
Thanks to everyone who participated, and thanks to the folks at Garrett Wade for these give-away goodies.