There is an application available for the Motorola i860 on the Nextel network that allows you to easily upload geo-stamped cameraphone pictures to a website: www.geosnapper.com There is an Easter egg in the application that lets you upload geostamped pictures directly to flickr.com Here is a link to one of my pictures: geo-stamped flickr pic The phone adds tags of the city, state, and zip code of where the picture was taken as well as adding a link to a MapQuest map of the location. To enter your flickr email press # *your pin* 8 7 5 0 # from the first start-up screen. So if your pin is 1234 you would press the keys # 1 2 3 4 8 7 5 0 # and a screen will pop-up that lets you enter your flickr email and password Link.