We have been posting up a storm here on the ole’ MAKE blog – so if you use one of the portals or RSS readers here are the ways to stay on top of all things in the world of making – RSS (XML), Bloglines, Google, My AOL, MyYahoo, Newsgator & add MAKE to Technorati favorites.
- We have an OPML file of all the MAKE RSS feeds (blog, audio and video podcasts, comments from print articles, MAKE photos from Flickr, bookmarks, projects from Instructables, forum posts and news around the web with MAKE) – Link.
- Our favorite sites in Technorati – Link.
- If RSS isn’t your thing, then you can use AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) to get MAKE delivered you too, just click here to add the MAKEbot and type help for the commands (subscribe latest 5) is a good one.