Give MAKE/CRAFT to a school - Make: Give MAKE/CRAFT to a school - Make:

Give MAKE/CRAFT to a school

Give MAKE/CRAFT to a school
Mags in library.JPG

Last year I gave MAKE and CRAFT gift subscriptions to my son’s school – I was in the school library the other day and saw the latest editions on the magazine rack, looking well-thumbed already! The librarian often sends me emails telling me about kids and teachers discovering the magazines in the library and getting really excited, and I know several teachers are starting to use them in their curriculum development. It makes me remember the first time I saw Make on the newsstand and how thrilled I was to find it existed – I love that I can pass that excitement and inspiration on to teachers and kids. If you have a tradition of teacher gifts, or would like to support your local schools, I’m sure MAKE and CRAFT subscriptions would be very welcome. Check out the awesome giftcards our design folks cooked up, too!

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