Ada Lovelace day is here! On this day we celebrate the intelligent women who have made strides in Science Technology Engineering Art and Math throughout human history, and onward into the future.
There are many ways to celebrate this holiday. You could look backward and learn about important figures in our past such as Lady Ada Lovelace herself, the first programmer, or Marie Curie who was the first woman to win a Nobel prize as well as the only person ever to win two Nobel prizes in different sciences! Scroll through our Maker Spotlights to discover women in our community doing incredible things that may be new to you. You could attend Ada Lovelace day events such as Ada Lovelace Live , or watch previous ones below.
Or you could honor modern women doing incredible things such as Donna Strickland, who was the first woman awarded the Nobel prize in physics in 55 years.
Today, we’re going to be to honoring peers and upcoming women by helping heighten their visibility. We’ll be tweeting and retweeting all day long in order to shine a light on women you should know and follow. Check out our twitter feed or go to twitter and search for #ALD18 or #adalovelaceday