Happy Earth Day! Crafting with Nature Roundup

CRAFT: Crafting with Nature
Craftingwithnature Roundup22
Hi Crafters! Happy Earth Day today. We’ve been Crafting with Nature all month so I thought it would be a great time to round up some of the fabulous projects we’ve featured exclusively on the site.
Home Decor:

Baby and Kids:


Other Posts:

We also have some adorable Crafting with Nature buttons. Feel free to place them on your site or blog! You can grab the images or copy and paste the HTML code.
CRAFT: Crafting with Nature
<img src="https://cdn.makezine.com/uploads/2009/04/button_cwn_treeb.gif" width="150" height="200" alt="CRAFT: Crafting with Nature">
CRAFT: Crafting with Nature
<img src="https://cdn.makezine.com/uploads/2009/04/button_cwn_beeb.gif" width="150" height="200" alt="CRAFT: Crafting with Nature">
CRAFT: Crafting with Nature
<img src="https://cdn.makezine.com/uploads/2009/04/button_cwn_birdb.gif" width="150" height="200" alt="CRAFT: Crafting with Nature">
CRAFT: Crafting with Nature
<img src="https://cdn.makezine.com/uploads/2009/04/button_cwn_bunnyb.gif" width="150" height="200" alt="CRAFT: Crafting with Nature">

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