The Rise of the Homepreneurs @ Fast Company…
As more businesses move online and more jobs come into existence based upon these moves, it’s not a surprise that the number of people working from their home office is rising. Brick-and-mortar retail, office space facilities, and social network enthusiasts may not like it, but online and at home seems to be the place to be. Will it last?
The New Entrepreneur – Home-Based Businesses Increasing
More people are working from home, and more of them are working for themselves, according to Census data released today. The chart below compares the growth in the number of self-employed people working exclusively from home to growth in total home-based workers and the total number of people employed.
Wow, both articles today by John Tozzi!
Adafruit Targets Tinkerers With ‘Open-Source’ Electronics Kits @ Bloomberg’s Entrepreneurs: Newsmakers section!
For each kit, the company publishes the computer-aided design files, schematics for circuit boards, and the firmware or software code that runs inside a device. Anyone can use this material under a Creative Commons license, provided they credit the source and publish any related works under a similar open- source license.
In addition to publishing designs, the company offers online tutorials, and Fried co-hosts a weekly video chat… to teach lessons and answer questions. “She’s really educating people. It’s almost like she’s running a school in addition to everything else she’s doing,†says Alicia Gibb, another organizer of the Open Hardware Summit who works as “gadget wrangler†at Bug Labs, an open-source hardware company developing wireless devices.
Fried says her mission as an entrepreneur is to spread the kind of innovation that flows from opening up electronics and learning how they work. “We have so little connection to what’s in these plastic boxes,†she says. “The point of the company is to teach people and to learn. It’s not just to buy and consume.â€