The fine repair gurus at iFixit.com hosted an amazing repair area at last year’s Maker Faire Bay Area. They obviously put so much love and care into it and folks looked like they were learning a lot and having a great time. I was happy to give them one of my Editor’s Choice Blue Ribbons for their efforts. They’re back to do even bigger and better things this year. Here’s their call for volunteers they sent us:
We’re looking for volunteers to share their repair knowledge in our Care to Repair section again! We want to show the world how to repair anything, one device at a time. We’re especially interested in those who know how to fix:
• Appliances
• Computers
• Automobiles
• Motorcycles
• Bicycles
• Consumer electronics
• Gaming consoles
• Clothing
• Musical instrumentsIf you have experience fixing things and would like free admission to the Faire, admission to the invite-only “Maker to Maker” event on Friday, and some other cool perks, then we want YOU as an iFixit volunteer!
Volunteers will be scheduled in shifts, so everyone can still go and see the rest of the event! You will be helping people with their problems, showing off cool ways of diagnosing and repairing failed devices, and generally having a good time.
To sign up to volunteer, go here.