Earlier this week, I posted the story about Miriam Ellis’ Mexican Dress where she pushes us crafters to tell a story with our stitching. On Apartment Therapy SF, I came across this hand-embroidered kitschy cute San Francisco Pillow by Cat Studio above that shows all the different SF locations in a fun way. [ via ] Link.
From Blueprint’s Blueline log comes this amazing story by Rory telling about her mother in-law’s needlepoint pillow which tells the story of her son (Rory’s husband) and all his activities and interests. An inspiring story to say the least and Rory gives you some tips on how to start an easy needlepoint project on your own. (Hint: My favorite plastic canvas!) Link.
Have you done anything like this and told a story with needlepoint, cross-stitch, or embroidery? If so, leave a comment and share with us a photo and your story! You can upload these to the CRAFT flickr pool.