In the constant effort to keep evolving Maker Faire, ensuring that it constantly inspires the future, we’re always trying new things. We’ve got some new stuff this year we’re especially excited about. We’re hosting our first ever Industry, Career & College day at Maker Faire Bay Area in collaboration with Cornell University College of Engineering.
This free event will take place Friday, May 18th from 9am to 1pm and will have many incredible features:
- Meet representatives from startups, companies, colleges and universites from across the Bay Area and beyond. Learn about how they see makers, and where makers fit in their programs and job force.
- Hear from a rich and diverse line-up of speakers who will share insights into journeys navigating higher ed choices, and finding their career path.
- In partnership with Cornell Engineering, a select number of students will have the opportunity to pitch their ideas onstage for a chance to win a special advantage in the Cornell Cup, Cornell’s college-level embedded design competition.
Dale Daugherty, founder and CEO of Make: said this in a recent announcement
The focus of the first-ever College and Career Day at Maker Faire Bay Area is preparing today’s students for the future of work.
In partnership with Cornell Engineering, this program is intended to present new college and career pathways for high school and community college students as well
as makers who combine practical skills along with a maker mindset.The program will feature technology futurist Tim O’Reilly, author of “What’s the Future and Why It’s Up to Us” who will talk about the changes in the nature of work.
Digital Fabrication expert Sarah Boisvert, author of “The New Collar Workforce” will talk about how technological changes are creating the need for a new
kind of workforce. These changes are requiring that we take a fresh look at college and career pathways.The program will feature leaders of local Bay Area colleges. A panel of makers will share their own experiences of work — how they developed valuable skills and found jobs that made use of those skills.
Industry Career and College Day is totally free, but space is limited, so you do need to sign up to actually get a ticket. Once activities are finished at 1pm, you will need a ticket to Maker Faire if you want to stay (and you do want to stay, so get your tickets here)
We’re looking forward to seeing you there!