Let the MAKEcation solder-fest BEGIN!


Well, we’ve completed our first week of our MAKEcation programming, “Teach Your Family to Solder.” We hope we’ve inspired you to take up the firesticks, grab some noxious metal on a spool, and start dripping beads of molten alloy all over sensitive electronic components. Good, clean fun for the whole family!

Win awesome booty!
If you and family members DO decide to learn soldering, document it. Take photos and/or video and send us the links. Load them onto the MAKE Flickr pool and tag them with “MAKEcation.” At the end of August, the Maker Media staff and soldering Camp Counselor Dave will be choosing the most interesting, entertaining, creative entries. Our favorite will get a $100 Gift Certificate to the Maker Shed! Five other entries will get a choice of a copy of The Best of MAKE or The Best of Instructables. We’ll also be giving away some Maker’s Notebooks too. So gather the family ’round and get crackin’

Don’t forget:
You can send any questions, comments, suggestions, and links to your MAKEcation media to Camp Counselor Dave at campcounselor@makezine.com.

And: We have a specially priced “Teach Your Family to Solder” bundle in the Maker Shed, with three easy-to-build beginner kits in it, a copy of MAKE, Volume 01 (with soldering tutorial), and a Maker’s Notebook). A significant deal at only $36.

Here’s a wrap-up of the week’s soldering-related content:

Let’s take a Summer MAKEcation!

MAKEcation: “Teach Your Family to Solder” week

Super learn-to-solder roundup

Camp counselor Dave’s soldering tips

YOUR soldering tips

Lucas learns to solder

A brief history of my soldering experiences

Toolbox: Soldering essentials, part 1

Toolbox, Soldering tools, part 2

Discuss this article with the rest of the community on our Discord server!

Gareth Branwyn is a freelance writer and the former Editorial Director of Maker Media. He is the author or editor of over a dozen books on technology, DIY, and geek culture. He is currently a contributor to Boing Boing, Wink Books, and Wink Fun. His free weekly-ish maker tips newsletter can be found at garstipsandtools.com.

View more articles by Gareth Branwyn


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