I get ridiculously excited seeing people make things. I just want to revel in the creativity I see in makers. My favorite thing in the world is sharing a maker's story. find me at CalebKraft.com
Here you will find the live (at the time) video stream as well as a tons of pictures and antics from around the faire. Newest stuff is at the top.
The carnage from a weekend of Hand of Man car crushing is seriously impressive. —Tyler WinegarnerKatelyn from the Evan and Katelyn YouTube channel pilots the giant robot hand. —Tyler WinegarnerLaura Kampf and Estefannie Explains It All enjoying some laughs at DIY Content Creators Stage. – Jess HobbsThe Cotton Candy robot from kid-based maker club “Big Hero 6 Egyptian Robotics Team” made it to NYC! I got to see this at Maker Faire Cairo earlier this year, it was one of my favorite exhibits there. —Mike SeneseDigikey is running a well attended workshop about programming your Micro:Bit. —Mike SeneseAd Hoc Art’s Creative ConsTruck(t)s. Oh my god, I’m so in love! – Caleb Kraft
Marvin is a formidable AI-powered Connect Four machine, and if the game tally is any indication, it’s been trouncing the competition. – Craig CoudenHigh School students Benjamin Lehrer and Jonathan Roach built Marvin and programmed the AI. – Craig CoudenAnthony Jacino’s Ben Hur Motorized recreates the epic chariot race from the classic film in miniature. – Craig CoudenNot to mention the shrine in the back behind the race track. – Craig CoudenWhen viewed from the right angle, each of these cubes show the image of an apple. But try to take one and the apple disappears as the screens black out. – Craig CoudenSnapships are like Lego for cool spaceships. Made up of modular 3D printed pieces, they had tons of wings, engines, an fuselages for Faire-goers to build their dream starships. – Craig CoudenWorld’s first digital desktop Vacuum Former — Vaquform. – DC Denison
I happened to be wandering through one of our secret staff areas and I stumbled upon the cosplay and prop contest! – caleb kraft
Dhareza, Becka Noel, Jackie Craft, and Darrell aka Broken Nerd are deep in the process of judging the competitors in the cosplay contest. That is such a difficult job! – caleb kraft
Andy from Akron hackerspace proudly displays his blue ribbon for SkeeBowl, a giant bowling-ball-sized skeeball game. —Mike SeneseFreshly cut aluminum at Wazer. – DC DenisonForty-eight of the materials that Wazer water jet cuts. Note that Atlanta is a Coke can; Detroit is Motown vinyl, etc. – DC DenisonBack to the Pixel era at Silly Rabbit Crafts. – DC DenisonForge is at 2200ºF to start the day at Modern Forge. -DC DenisonHackers wanted at Brandeis Maker Lab. “Please touch everything!” – DC DenisonAl fresco ballet workshop at Maker Faire. – DC DenisonHand of Man creator Christian Ristow clears the wreckage of another crushed car. —Mike SenesePrusa’s new SL1 resin-based 3D printer has impressive resolution — no layer lines visible at all on this one. —Mike SeneseHow adorable is this? A multicolor 3D print of a Make: magazine, from Pallette 2 creators Mosaic. —Mike SeneseEverything but the rails on this N-gauge railroad by Jason Kelly are 3D printed. —Mike SeneseHit the target, get more fire! —Mike SeneseStick Together was showing off their collaborative pixel art posters. – Craig CoudenSquares in the grid are labeled with letters each corresponding to a different color. – Craig CoudenFat Cat Fab Lab brought this giant music sequencer and this young maker was feeling the beat. The giant lever in the back controlled the speed of the wheel. – Craig CoudenThe folks at GenkiGoth make pop culture-based stencil art, and had a stenciling station set up for people to try it out. – Craig CoudenHack Manhattan brought a bunch or different touchtone phone-based adventure games. Themes ranged from D&D to getting a cable company to fix your service. – Craig CoudenThe sign said this was a robot building station, but clearly stacking the rocks was more fun. – Craig CoudenI didn’t think anything could make diet soda less appealing, but this rheoscopic fluid from Island Labs, Inc Makerspace does the trick. – Craig CoudenNYSCI had kids hammering nails to show how far they had come for the Faire. – Craig CoudenGoogly eyes have struck again! – Craig CoudenGet inspired for upcoming holidays. Meet AndysTechGarage and learn how to make your own Pumpkinstein @makerfaire —Jess Hobbs
Watch coverage from Saturday at Maker Faire
Gareth Branwyn interviews an all-star lineup of makers on the DIY Content Creators Stage. —Mike SeneseAerial acrobatics, a beautiful new addition to WMFNY this year. —Mike SeneseOne of the TURF Inc urban street dance battle participants shows a crazy amount of flexiblity. —Mike SeneseMural art truck painting, happening live. —Mike SeneseA beautiful day to fly a kite that you just made yourself, at Maker Faire NY 2018 —Mike SeneseEben from Tapigami adds to the growing masking tape sculpture. —Mike Senese
Adam Savage just can’t stop breaking stuff, in the name of science. We’re thrilled that the Mythbusters Jr team joined us at Maker Faire!Another happy Maker Faire attendee (right) gets to control the Hand of Man. —Jun LereaChristian Ristow’s Hand of Man gets ready to drop another car. The ground shakes when the falling car hits it — it’s very pleasing. —Mike SeneseThe Make: membership booth is looking good! A great way to support the maker community. —Mike SeneseGame of Fire — throw a ball and hit the target and you’re rewarded with an explosion of fire. —Mike SeneseiRa, by Debbie Moore, is a glass and stone mosaic art piece. She told us that it cost her nearly $5000 to build it. —Mike SeneseThis is the nicest drill-powered motorbike build I’ve seen yet. —Mike SeneseDIY Robocars challenges you to best their AI-driven RC vehicles around the track. —Mike SeneseDonato Millano’s creation, the mobile camera mount for motor vehicles. A wireless remote lets you pan and tilt the camera while the mount’s magnetic and suction-powered base hold it tight to the top of your car. I’d use this for storm chasing. Maybe. —Mike SeneseLondon-based 5AxisMaker shows off their brand new machine, said to be capable of milling aluminum. —Mike SeneseYoung makers getting inspired by the Rotomill, a 3-axis CNC lathe. —Mike SeneseLongtime Maker Fair partner Tormach brings an impressive milled aluminum baseball cap to their booth. —Mike SeneseNinja Robot’s Hackable Modular CNC can mill, laser engrave, 3D print, and more. —Mike SeneseThe CanNibble is a drill powered nibbler attachment that can chew through almost anything with no sparks or distortion. -Mike SeneseAla’din and Mohamed bring their flexible-circuit startup Mell Bell to WMFNY from Jordan. Look for them on Kickstarter imminently. —Mike SeneseJacob “Rocket” LaRocca of Artisans Asylum with his custom bike. “It’s pretty, curvey, and chrome.” – DC DenisonAt a manufacturing workshop by Dragon Innovation. – DC DenisonArt installation Urban Echo uses hanging transparent sound globes to “explore our relationship with technology.” – DC DenisonAt faceOdd Wearable Art Masks. – DC DenisonCardboard pinball action at PinBox 3000. – DC DenisonTroxes. “Where Origami meets Lego.” – DC DenisonA crowdsourced 3D-printed George Washington: 110 printed pieces contributed to We the Builders. – DC DenisonWe The Builders also had this crowdsourced caricature bust of Edgar Allan Poe on hand. – Craig Couden“Death,” one of the “FurReal Horses of the Apocalypse,” by Rose Byrne. Each of the four animatronic horses was covered with fake plastic nails – Jon ChristianWar, Pestilence…and Famine. – Craig CoudenJeff Moffitt, of Iron Horse Cinema, shows off a replica of a League of Legends item he made. – Jon ChristianMohammad Malhas shows off a flexible microcontroller he’s developing at his company, MellBell Electronics. – Jon ChristianBloomEngine is an automated grow chamber for plants, with auto watering, ventilation and a tiny light for photosynthesis. – Jon ChristianWe were super impressed with this young maker’s intensity as she wrecked a car with the Hand of Man. – Jon Christian#SquadGoals with R2-D2 replicas. – Jon ChristianCassette tapes recycled into doll houses by Nicole Majewski. – Jon ChristianA young maker tries out handcrafted musical instruments by Maker Hart Industry Corp. – Jon ChristianElectric Scrapeboard is a DDR-style game played on a skateboard. – Jon ChristianBarb, from Cosplay Large and Small, shows off an enormous wrench she built. – Jon Christian
Wow, “Hand of Man” is pretty intense. That giant steel hand is being piloted by a little kid… and he picked up a car! -caleb kraft
Self portrait with one other guy, in front of a Walabot sensor. Really powerful sensor — sensing through walls in the Maker Pavilion. —DC DenisonMaker Pipe owner David Schlitter eating his own dogfood. Standing on a Maker Pipe stool, in front of a Maker Pipe table. In the Maker Pavilion. —DC DenisonCan you tell the people from FabShop are from Japan? Cool Prototyping System in the Fabrication neighborhood at MFNY. —DC DenisonThey are cutting metal with water in the Maker Pavilion. A close-up inside a ProtoMAX abrasive waterjet system. —DC Denison
Some people know that Maker Faire can be overwhelming at times. Napland is a place where you can go to calm down, chill in a hammock, sit around a faux fire, and maybe take a nap. – caleb kraft
I captured a quick phone video of one of these low tech zoetropes. Pretty incredible results and a great activity to do at home. You just need to print out a template, cut slits, and tape it together. – caleb kraft
I grabbed some slow motion video of the flaming saxiphone guy! Get used to the slo-mo, I love that stuff – caleb kraft
Gualala gadget makes these really cool tiny marble machines- caleb kraft
Michelle Puhl Price has been making puppets for some time. Her skill really shows – caleb kraft
The gates are open! The front gates were packed as last-minute makers rushed to get their gear in and set up. To keep everyone amused while we wait for the gates to open, we have all kinds of craziness happening. This is the start of the day and such a wonderful feeling each time. – caleb kraft
Dr. Who’s canine companion woos some kids
a flaming saxiphone is a happy saxiphone
the star wars procession at the gates
Kermit is always a pleasure
he was playing harmonica while tossing his umbrella in the air and catching it
eager attendees watch as the last few makers rush in to get their tables prepared
This massive “ski bowl” is much harder than it looks. Those bowling balls are heavy and they lose so much momentum before the jump. – caleb kraft
Origami 2 Go, by Sue Hansen and family. When you absolutely need to take origami with you. There’s something captivating about these tiny cranes in a necklace bottle – Caleb KraftI’m such a sucker for Bose’s Bose Build speaker system. These 3D printed bodies crack me up. I know it’s silly, I can’t help it. -Caleb KraftTiny planet by Benjamin Cowden is actually a moving sculpture. Mesmerizing to watch – Caleb KraftFresh off the press: Jimmy Diresta designed and printed his own Maker Faire New York 2018 postcards. Gorgeous. —Tyler WinegarnerAnd the back of the Diresta Maker Faire post card.From yesterday’s Make: Education Forum: Author Ted Dintersmith inspires the crowd with proposals on how to reformat education policy. —Mike SeneseChristian Ristow’s Hand of Man and the NySci rocket collection peer over the treetops as sunrise illuminates the morning clouds. It’s looking like a gorgeous day for a Maker Faire. —Jess Hobbs
Relive the magic of our Saturday live stream in its entirety here:
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I get ridiculously excited seeing people make things. I just want to revel in the creativity I see in makers. My favorite thing in the world is sharing a maker's story. find me at CalebKraft.com
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Escape to an island of imagination + innovation as Maker Faire Bay Area returns for its 16th iteration!